The law that was passed in 2015 by the Portuguese government- the eligibility for Portuguese citizenship is for ALL descendants of Jews who were persecuted within the inquisition. The legislator went even further, determining that to prove this reference to the Jewish ancestor, it's only necessary to attest to the Sephardic origin of the family. When the knowledge is already known to the applicant, it makes disclosure easier.
However, within the case of the New Christians (families who were forced to convert within the inquisitorial period- many Brazilians cases ), the proof of which Iberian ancestor of Portugal and Spain was Jewish maybe a touch more complicated and sophisticated, but don't worry!
The Clube do Passport, features a team that specialized in genealogy, with incredible experience covering the whole inquisitorial period, conducts an entire genealogical study, with professionals in Brazil, Portugal, and Spain who manage genealogical researches that reach until the center of the 16th century, with cases of family trees already approved for Portuguese citizenship with dozens of generations.
The completed Study may be a true family work, carrying with it beyond the likelihood of Portuguese citizenship. Once this reference to the Sephardi is proven, the steps towards citizenship become much easier. An absolute historical family treasure that will last for generations and can enrich the knowledge about the history that brought you here today.